I struggle with the idea of whether or not to say that I "hate" laundry. I don't like to say I hate anything but this comes pretty close. I've been doing laundry all morning and it became obvious to me that this is really a serious hot button for me. Reflection ensued. First of all, let me say that there's nothing like being sick for a week to make one realize how important daily laundry maintenance is to the runnings of a household. It was actually all clean thanks to my husband but none of it was put away. Then, somehow, with soccer and other things that I can't seem to recall, I got behind again. If someone were to come to my front door right now, they would see a crazy mish-mash of everything from boxers to sweatshirts...all sorted...laying in my foyer where I tossed them over the bannister. Why are they still in the foyer? Because I don't want to move them and it's just as easy to step over the piles there as it is in the kitchen which is by the laundry room which should be large enough to keep the laundry I have to do today but isn't. This brings me to my hugest gripe: The laundry room is on the first floor of our two story house. This is proof positive that our builder was a man. How would he like it if I built his house and didn't put a toilet within earshot of the TV??? The other thing that gets me about our particular laundry situation is that every pair of pants and underwear and every sock and shirt worn by my husband and children is wrong-side out. My OCD/ADD will not allow me to wash anything wrong-side out. It's just not possible and I'm pretty sure that if a scientist looked at my DNA, they'd see some obscure laundry gene restricting my ability to do so. And then there's the pocket checking. This is currently limited to my husband but will soon spread like a virus to my three boys. If I were pulling out folding money I wouldn't mind, but I'm instead finding change, pennys and nickles mostly, and enough reciepts to kill a small tree. Another laundry issue that will bring a tear to my eye is finding something mixed in with the dirty clothes that I know for a fact is CLEAN!! But it's been in with the dirty stuff therefore must be washed anyway. Again.
As greatful as I am to have nice clothes for my family and a washer and dryer to keep them clean, I know I shouldn't complain. It's just time I wish I could spend with my kids. Come to think of it, they're old enough to put their own stuff away. That way, we can have the laundry done and be together at the same time. Something tells me they won't see it the same way!!