Thursday, November 20, 2008

This Thursday 13 is Totally Random

I won't drink milk out of plastic cups even though it comes in a plastic jug.

I know where Alton Brown lives.

Red is my favorite color but if I were a crayon, I'd be Yellow.

I've killed a deer.....with a gun, not my car.

I used to work for Lancome.

I once listened to the same song over and over for 3 hours.

I've been to the David Letterman Show.

I nursed my three boys for a total of 31 months and the girls are still lookin' pretty good.

The first thing I do when I come downstairs in the morning is turn on the radio to 107.5 WJZZ.

I was on top of the South Tower of the World Trade Center 5 days before it fell.

I know Steve McCoys real name.

I can drive a tractor and a fork lift.

I've participated in defensive driving excercises for Alabama State Troopers.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Christi, you're my hero! Were we separated at birth? I so look forward to reading your blog because I know I'll get honesty and humor every time! Love you very much, lady.